Nariño the place where you can to dream
Nariño is located in the extreme southwest of the country, on the border with the Republic of Ecuador; located between (00º31’08») and (02º41’08») north latitude, and (76º51’19») y (79 º 01’34‘‘) west longitudes. It has an area of 33,268 km2 which represents 2.9% of the territory. It bordered on the north by the department of Cauca, on the east by the department of Putumayo, on the south by the Republic of Ecuador and on the west by the Pacific Ocean
Nariño is divided into 64 municipalities, 230 districts and 416 police stations, as well as numerous villages and populated places. The municipalities are grouped into 20 notarial circles, with a total of 25 notaries, a main circle of registration offices in Pasto and 7 sectional registry offices located in the municipalities of Barbacoas, Ipiales, La Cruz, La Union, Samaniego, Tumaco and Túquerres; a judicial district, Pasto, with 10 heads of judicial circuit in Pasto, Barbacoas, Ipiales, La Cruz, La Union, Samaniego, Túquerres and Tumaco, in Nariño, and Mocoa and Puerto Asis in Putumayo. The department forms the constituency of Nariño
Pasto | Albán | Aldaña | Ancuya | Arboleda |
Barbacoas | Belen | Buesaco | Colón (Génova) | Consaca |
Contadero | Córdoba | Cuaspud | Cumbal | Cumbitara |
Chachagui | El Charco | El Peñol | El Rosario | El tablon |
El tambo | Funes | Guachucal | Guaitarilla | Gualmatan |
Iles | Imues | Ipiales | La Cruz | La Florida |
La llanada | La tola | La union | Leiva | Linares |
Los andes | Magui | Mallama | Mosquera | Nariño |
Olaya herrera | Ospina | Pizarro | Policarpa | Potosi |
Providencia | Puerres | Pupiales | Ricaurte | Roberto payan |
Samaniego | Sandona | San Bernardo | San Lorenzo | San Pablo |
San Pedro de Cartago | Santa Bárbara | Santacruz | Sapuyes | Taminango |
Tangua | Tumaco | Túquerres | Yacuanquer |
In the territory of the department of Nariño are three physiographic regions, corresponding to the peaceful plains, the Andes and the Amazon watershed. The plain of the Pacific is characterized by high temperatures, abundant rainfall and lush vegetation; It is divided into the alluvial platform or mangrove area and the plain the humid forest, which extends to the foothills of Cordillera Occidental.
The Andean region, the most outstanding feature of the department, to penetrate the Andes form the knot of pastures, where two branches emerge: Cordillera Occidental, which presents the Chiles volcano (4,718 m), Cumbal volcano (4,764 m), Azufral volcano (4,070 m), and a deep depression called Hoz de Minamá; and the Cordillera Central – Eastern presenting the highlands of Túquerres – Ipiales, Valle de atriz and Galeras volcano (4,276 m) and Doña Juana volcano (4.250 m). For its part, the Amazon or eastern slope has little usable rough terrain and is covered by rainforests, where the lagoon “La Cocha” is.
Hydrography Nariño department is constituted by two aspects: the Pacific watershed, comprising rivers: Patia, Guáitara, Mayo, Juanambú, Pasture, Iscuandé, Mira and Mataje. And the Atlantic watershed formed by rivers: Guamuez, Churuyaco , San Miguel, Patascoy, Afiladores and Lora.
The relief allows the department of Nariño enjoy warm, temperate, cold temperatures, plateau and ice cap. Rains in the inter-Andean area are higher than 3,000 mm, decreasing in Nariño highlands where they are less than 1,000 mm; in the Amazon foothills rainfall is over 4,000 mm.
The economy of the department of Nariño is supported by the provision of banking services, business and transport, followed by agricultural activities, including potato crops, vegetables, wheat, beans and barley; Livestock is mainly dairy vaccine with the purpose of milk, there is also sheep and guinea pig breeding. Some revenues depend on forestry and fisheries on the Pacific coast.
One of the main roads of the department of Nariño is communicating the Republic of Ecuador to the rest of the country; the road «Del Mar». This one joins Tumaco with the county seat of Túquerres and the capital of the department; other towns are connected by secondary roads such as Pasto – La Union and Pasto – Consacá, Sandoná, Yacuanquer. It has a domestic airport, Antonio Nariño, located in the municipality of Chachagüí, 35 km from Pasto, and other national, San Luis, in the municipality of Ipiales. Many villages located in the lower part of the Mira and Patia rivers make their own transport via motor boats and small boats
Nariño offers many tourist attractions from the natural, cultural and scientific point. Its main tourist sites are the sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de las Lajas, the Galeras volcano, Lake La Cocha, Corota Island, lagoon and the snowy Cumbal, the knot of Los Pastos, thermal Ipiales and La Cruz; the island of Tumaco, Bocagrande beach, museums and historical sites in different municipalities. Annually carnivals of blacks and whites are celebrated.
In Nariño variety of craft activities are developed; including ceramic varnish obtained from the resin called «De Cera», tissue in straw shawl and leather goods. In the apartment is the natural Sanquianga National Park, the Flora and Fauna sanctuaries and Galeras Corota Island, and 47 nature reserve areas in the municipalities of Barbacoas, Chachagüí, Ricaurte, Pasture and Yacuanquer.